We are keepers of frequency, electromagnetic beings.
You are constantly broadcasting the frequency of your being and contributing to the energy of this planet, whether you intend to or not. This isn’t wu-wu or wishful thinking. It’s quantum. It’s science.
The electro-tone of your being is made up of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Your frequency-state is a special blend only you contribute.
Regardless of the actions you take or activism you pursue, the frequency you’re emanating is your most significant contribution to the collective. Hear this. We know that one person operating at a higher frequency, such as love and peace, neutralizes thousands of individuals living at lower octaves. This matters now more than ever before.
We don’t increase our frequency through bypassing what’s difficult or just by thinking positive. We increase our frequency by doing our inner work and attending to our own healing. This is how we become contributors—by allowing our inner set point to rise higher.
We have to also watch out for healing loops and dare to break our addictions to suffering and to struggle. This is how we become more buoyant and luminous—by choosing to organize around our True Nature.
When we align ourselves, we change the game—not by what we do but simply by who we are. It’s not so much what we do then, but who we’re being while we do it. You can contribute to fear and chaos on this planet while meaning to do good, or you can be instrumental is sowing love and peace without even intending to.
As keepers of frequency, we’re here to turn the tides. When you upgrade your energetics by doing your inner tending and you align with your knowing and connection to Source you upgrade the frequency fabric of this blessed earth.
Let’s get with the program. Are you cycling and recycling the fear and angst (personally and collectively) or are you beaming from within the world you want to live in without? Heaven on earth begins in your heart.
You are the key, the keeper, the wayshower, the one we’ve been waiting for. At least, you are destined and designed to be.
The new world starts inside you and I.