The Art of Enoughness

It caught up with me little by little and then all at once.

The pressure to be more, have more, do more… It seems it’s in the air, in the ethers, and subtly embedded in most messages these days.

It got to me.

I was exposing myself to one-too-many influences covertly breeding not-enoughness beneath a facade of abundance and optimization.

Selling the next, the more, and the better is big business nowadays—even in so-called spiritual circles.

I lost the plot for a minute and started paddling like my life depended on it because it seemed it was expected or everyone was doing it.

I forgot for a second that life is carrying me as the graced child of god that I am.

I forgot that floating is, not only an option, but that it’s a lived expression of trusting life.

I forgot for a moment that simplicity and space are true wealth and quality of life for me.

I forgot to rejoice in all I already have—which is sooo much, and ironically more than I’ve ever had.

My body called me home, again…buckling under the pressure to be somebody or get somewhere.

A sweet home coming to what really matters ensued. I was re-embraced into the holy bounty already provided so generously right here and now. Welcome home sweetheart.

Tears and vows to relax and receive more and push less...

Rest and relief that I don’t have to stay on this insane high pressure track that takes me away from my good…

Recognition that it’s not for me and that chasing my ‘best life’ takes me away from my already beautiful life…

Realigning and recalibrating in a deep and sacred P H E W…

I’m refinding the TRUE plot of deep sufficiency and radical enoughness.

There is no need to seek or grasp or try to make anything happen. I’m on track and all is unfolding with grace. Nothing is missing.

Life’s got me (and you). And the more we strive and chase the more the real treasure may elude us.

Care to join me in this sweetness? There’s more than enough to go around. You don’t have to sign up for anything. Nobody else but you holds the key. It’s free and readily available right where you are.

Life loves you. x


Truth Longs to Set You Free


Shadow Work is Light Work